Saturday, 22 August 2009

Exquisite Bodies

I had such a tough day at work on Thursday having to look at all those models coming in the office for our new advertisement campaign... Very luckily this happens once a year only! ^-^’

After all those emotions I had lunch with [info]morbidfrog and had aprivate tour of her library!
Our new lunchtime picnic spot ^^'

After work, [info]morbidfrog, [info]vampyresheep, [info]sallypointzero , Teresa, [info]demondaz,[info]rosenkavalier and myself met up at the Wellcome Collection to see “Exquisite Bodies”. A solid heart was definitely required as some of the exhibits were quite gruesome and so realistic it was sometimes hard to tell if there were real or wax models.

Anatomical Venus Undated (late 19th century).
Unlike some of her idealised counterparts, this anatomical Venus appears decidedly cadaverous...

Section of the thorax at the level of the heart Joseph Towne, London, c.1827-79.
This particular wax work was so realistic it had dry blood stains all over his body including on his tongue and inside his ears. His teeth, well the one he had left, were all rotten and the expression on his face was just indredible! Chilling...

Early stage of syphilis in a jar...

Pretty self explanatory and the label in Spanish says it all but if you really can't figure it out and was looking for a very good reason not to have children, this is the removal of the placenta just after giving birth. Lovely!

Model of a pregnant woman by Jules Talrich Paris, undated (late 19th century), Roca Collection

The Roca Collection includes a number of waxes made by Jules Talrich (1826-1904), the son of a French physician who became a celebrated anatomical model maker.

Apologies to anyone was having their lunch when they read, I spent the last hour trying to put those under a cut but it does not bloody work!!! In fact I have not maaged to put antyhting under a cut for the past few weeks! >-<'

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Mon chateau...

I was thinking that since Kasteel van Poecke goes so well with my dress it could officially be mine?
Kasteel van Poecke, Aalter, Belgium

Saturday, 15 August 2009

LVG Picnic & Rob's Birthday!

Just coming back from the annual LVG picnic as well as Rob's birthday in Highgate park. The weather was perfect, maybe too much Sun for some people as this year the group has moved down to the closest tree!

It was so good to lazily lay in grass with wine in one hand and biscuits in the other all in good company :D

Not enough shade for everyone!

The birthday boy and his new friend!

[info]vampyresheep 's pretty picnic basket

Mrs and Mr [info]vampyresheep


Robbie Junior's toys ^^'

Martin, Jim and Mick, talking wine

Yummi cookies baked by[info]vampyresheep

Lovely [info]karis_uk

[info]veilofvisions and her ever so beautiful creations!

Boys and their toys...

Victorian Romance

The Royal Red Barrette has been selected for the Victorian Romance Treasury on Etsy Dark Side! :D

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Shoot with David Bailey!!

Just coming back home from a photoshoot with David Bailey for the launch of the new Nokia camera phone!!

[info]misseh_vaniteh , Seth and I got spotted last week at the LVMG down the Hobgoblin and asked if we were free for a shoot the following week. I did not get my hopes too high and totally forgot about it since I had not heard anything back until today. It was a bit of last minute organisation as I received a call this afternoon asking me to be in Hackney at 11pm the very same evening.
For a moment I really got worried it was a scam as the alleyway we were supposed to meet really looked dodgy. I am really glad I asked[info]demondaz to chaperone me and I also knew there would be a very good chance to get him in the shoot as well. Mr Bailey seemed almost more interested in him than Vanity and myself!

We went to this extraordinary and surreal designer set that would have been perfect for Alice in Wonderlandt! It is also opens as a restaurant twice a month, I will try to get a link to this truly amazing place. I could have lived there and be the Rabbit in the Hole! ^-^'

The shoot was very relaxed as David Bailey is a very straightforward and open minded person. Maybe too open minded for some, I suspect he offended more than one person in his long career with his comments! He called me "Froggy" (surprisingly!),[info]demondaz was "Toothy", Vanity was "Model #1" and Seth "Charlie Chaplin"!

He seemed to be loving us lot so I am quite impatient to see the results. It basically went like this: "Great! Fantastic! Toothy give me more fangs, Froggy give me big eyes. Model #1 look at me! That's it, I love it! Do you fuck? Did you bring a whip? Lovely evening tonight isn'it? Don't move!" It was hard work to stay still!

It was also quite hilarious to see him using that camera phone -supposedly very good in low light- trying to figure out how to use it and shoving it to his assistant to deactivate that bloody flash! Apparently we all get the new Nokia phone too. Yeah! :D

We have been invited to see the shots in two weeks time for the premier opening of the exhibition "Alive at Night" in Bloomsbury. Will try to get some pictures of the event :)

That’s it for now, I need a good night sleep after all the excitement of the this evening so I hope I do not wake up before the Sun again as I did three mornings in a row! >-<'

Tuesday, 11 August 2009


I almost forgot to mention that Enlyl's Realm is celebrating its very first birthday! :D

Thank you all for your support, encouragement and kind words all along my journey. I would not have gone all this way without you.
Looks like candles are growing out of my hat! Photo by Martin Small at "Voyage to the Underworld"

Exquisite Bodies

Another very exciting (free!) exhibition at the Wellcome Collection this month!

In the 19th century, despite the best efforts of body snatchers, the demand from medical schools for fresh cadavers far outstripped the supply. One solution to this gruesome problem came in the form of lifelike wax models. These models often took the form of alluring female figures that could be stripped and split into different sections. Other models were more macabre, showing the body ravaged by 'social diseases' such as venereal disease, tuberculosis and alcohol and drug addiction.

Please note that the exhibition contains explicit material that some visitors may find disturbing! As such it is not recommended for under 18s or bunnies.

The exhibition runs until October 18th and has a late opening on Thursdays. I am already taken this Thursday coming however I am free the following one, the 20th, so anyone interested feel free to join me! :)

Closest tube station: Warren Street or Euston Square. More details on how to get there here.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

New rabbit!

I got a new rabbit from [info]evilbarbastelle for my birthday, last year’s one that is, as far as I am aware I was still born in December. I quite like that, it feels there is less time to wait till the next one!

[info]demondaz welcomed the new bun by saying “Not another rabbit! There’s no room left, I already sleep on the floor!” Ah that’s nice... Not to worry there is always room for rabbits! :D

He is such a realistic rabbit that someone at the Bring & Buy sale had to check when I had him on lap!

Others have said he has an evil look but it is probably because he spent a bit too long in Emma’s wardrobe and also lost his nose whilst she moved home too!

Friday, 7 August 2009

Gardens without torture

Now I know how to pace myself and breathe correctly, running was a lot more enjoyable!

I went all the way to Zoo again and since I still had some time and energy left I then ran to the lake and turned back when it got too hard to avoid all the French tourists and ducks, which puts my second run at 3.6km, almost one more kilometre than four days ago! :D

I had no clue my legs and lungs could do this!

Still no sexy bare chest men to motivate me, maybe they all have swine flu, I just don’t know... And there was no Celebration chocolates either when I came back to work this time round. Instead I was welcomed by the remains of cold pizzas and garlic bread, hmmm not for me I prefer the chocolates but I know some people who can eat cold pizza at any time of the day or night, you know who you are! ;)

This week end I will try to make more of the Dark Empress chokers since they were so popular ^-^'

And I will work on a project [info]morbidfrog and I have together that will hopefully turn out good so we don’t cover ourselves with shame once it’s finished!

Monday, 3 August 2009

Torture Gardens...

Today I decided that I was going to have a productive and healthy lunch break so I did what I have hated all my life: running.

I packed up my stuff this morning, got changed in the toilets and left work as discreetly and surreptitiously as possible so no one would see me in my *black* running gear.

My target for my first run since the age of 5 was to cross Regent’s Park from Park Square East (next to Great Portland Street Station) straight up to the north exit that leads to the Zoo. I thought that if I managed it would already be a miracle even thought the distance might seem ridiculous to most people.

Well , not only I managed to drag my butt all the way despite having a stitch after running eight metres and half, I also ran all the way back after a little break to recompose myself and to fix my trousers that are too big for me which basically means that everyone in the park that day saw the pink panties I smartly picked this morning... -_-‘

I was hoping to find someone about as slow as me and run behind them to motivate me but the only person I found stopped a few metres after I started stalking her. Not fair, I swear I was being discreet!

I was also relying on all those muscled bare chest men that are normally everywhere when you don’t want them to distract me from the pain but today there was none! Typical... I will have to find where they all run...

Anyway that’s 2.7km to beat for my next run planned at the end of the week or beginning of next one depending on my recovery. It would be very wise to give a call to [info]deltress to check what to do to recover a little faster :)

No one at work seemed to notice I came back bright as a poppy, limping and smelling of baby wipes so I guess I can definitely do it again.

There was also a box of Celebration chocolates on the table when I came back so someone must have known how much of miracle it was for me to run! I wonder if there will be another one for my next run...

Given the fact that my muscles started aching barely an hour after the run, I think that I will need to be carried to bed and spoon fed for the rest of the week by [info]demondaz . What a shame! ^-^’