After all those emotions I had lunch with morbidfrog and had aprivate tour of her library!
After work, morbidfrog, vampyresheep, sallypointzero , Teresa, demondaz,rosenkavalier and myself met up at the Wellcome Collection to see “Exquisite Bodies”. A solid heart was definitely required as some of the exhibits were quite gruesome and so realistic it was sometimes hard to tell if there were real or wax models.
Anatomical Venus Undated (late 19th century).
Unlike some of her idealised counterparts, this anatomical Venus appears decidedly cadaverous...
Early stage of syphilis in a jar...
Pretty self explanatory and the label in Spanish says it all but if you really can't figure it out and was looking for a very good reason not to have children, this is the removal of the placenta just after giving birth. Lovely!
The Roca Collection includes a number of waxes made by Jules Talrich (1826-1904), the son of a French physician who became a celebrated anatomical model maker.
P.S.: Apologies to anyone was having their lunch when they read, I spent the last hour trying to put those under a cut but it does not bloody work!!! In fact I have not maaged to put antyhting under a cut for the past few weeks! >-<'